Cracking The Online Dating Code

eBook - Cracking The Code

Erschienen am 17.02.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783736875463
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 60 S., 0.58 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Online dating is not all fun and games and there are a lot of things that a person has to know about online dating before one gets into the intricacies of it. Online dating may seem to be the simplest thing in the world but it is not. It should be viewed in all earnestness or things could go haywire. Every game has its rules and unless you know all the rules you just can't become a good player and eventually a winner.I understand that most of my readers are very busy people who do not have too much time to spend reading a book.So I have come up with something that requires just a single glance to get the gist of it. At the most you might require 10-15 minutes to run your eyes along the entire length of this book. It's that simple. But at the same time, do not let the simplicity mislead you. It is indeed a very comprehensive work that aims to leave no stones unturned.You can either use this book as a general guideline to streamline your match-hunting venture, or you can keep coming back to it to make sure of every step before you actually put your foot forward. I can promise you that if you use this book to guide you, there is no need to fear at allyou just won't stumble.

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