Deliverance From Evil Spiritual Marriages


Erschienen am 09.02.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783730938003
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 26 S., 0.52 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


It is abundantly clear that many are suffering from what they know not. They beat about the bush to unravel the causes of their misfortunes. Their search, being misdirected, leads them deeper down the dark tunnels of sorrow. Many are suffering by reason of their own errors and disobedience. Some are ensnared for partaking of accursed booties. Still others suffer from ignorance or by association with cursed lineage and family background. In short the reasons why people suffer are numerous.But bless God, that by divine destiny you are here to get a copy of my book that will show you how you can avoid the path of misery. Or if you are already ensnared, how you can obtain you your total deliverance, and put a permanent end to the recurring decimal of woes in your life.This book on "Deliverance From Evil Spiritual Marriage" will show you practical guide-lines on how to walk out of your troubles. This book will surely transform your life. Amen.This is your hour of liberty! The Lord desires us to look deeply about the issue of evil spiritual marriages. Because this is one area where a lot of people are suffering without any tangible explanation. This has kept a lot of people in a state of confusion and uncertainty.The truth you need to know is that the supernatural world is as real as the physical world. Whatever happens in the spirit world affects us in the physical realm in our day to day life. The spirit is more powerful than the physical. Whether you are ignorant of it is not an excuse, after all there is a saying that goes that the ignorance of the law is not an excuse.A lot are just beating about the bush without knowing the cause of their calamities and misfortunes. The key to unraveling this hidden mystery in our lives is to go to our root, that's our foundation. Because your present problem may have a demonic spiritual undertone. If you must live a successful, prosperous life then we must deal with some curses, hidden covenants and breaking some demonic linkages.From personal discovery as per my experience in the deliverance ministry, I have discovered that out every ten people in the street, most especially females, seven are involved in one form of evil spiritual marriages or the other.Beloved, evil spiritual marriage is so complex and discomforting but with God there is a way out. So friends, let us journey together into the realm of the supernatural to unravel this mystery of iniquity.So through this book we are going to address how you can be thoroughly get total freedom.

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