Loose Weight While You Eat

eBook - To Help You Lose Weight And Live Healthy

Erschienen am 15.03.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
2,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783736878587
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 65 S., 1.14 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Winning The Losing Weight GameAre you more or less constantly thinking about your weight, or whether you're eating or not eating? Do you find that at times when you start eating that you just can't stop yourself? And then when your clothes don't fit do you decide to resolve that by eating more?Often as a consequence of this common behaviour is that you will feel bad about yourself and imagine that everyone is thinking how big you are, thus increasing your anxiety about your eating and image, so that you eat more to comfort yourself. You might not believe it yet there are steps you can take to get you out this self-destructive cycle and turn around the negative feelings that you experience.When we are in these 'mind-traps' we are habitually repeating thought patterns and acting on them without questioning where they come from and what they do for us.A simple question such as: 'What will that do for me?' can often be the beginning of understanding ourselves better and our behaviour.Approaching the problem in this way can be the first step towards doing things differently.It works like this: a bad experience gives you the urge to go to the biscuit tin and eat as many biscuits as you can. But this time, instead of binging on biscuits, ask yourself: 'What will that do for me?'If the answer is something like 'It gives me a treat,' ask yourself: 'And if I have this treat, what does that do for me?; Again, wait for your answer, it may be something like, 'If I have this treat then I will feel appreciated.' If this is your response carry on and ask yourself: 'If I get to feel appreciated, what does that do for me?' Listen for an answer and keep asking yourself the same question, until you can go no further with your responses. What you're looking for is the higher motivation behind the behaviour 'eating too many biscuits'. By doing this on a regular basis you will get in touch with what you really want and take your first step to controlling the food cravings.This book will guide you to total recovery. And we have tried to give you an easy to follow guide that will help you loose weight. Below are some of the highlights:? What you need to know about weight loss? The hidden benefits of losing weight? Foods to avoid if you must lose weight? Compulsory steps to a healthy weight loss? Success strategies to weight loss? Eating the right food to lose weight? Understanding the basics of fat burning? Categories of foods that burns fats? Dealing with the cravings for sugar? The place of exercise in weight loss? What to do when you just can't lose weight? Bible scriptures concerning weight loss? Daily weight loss affirmations? The place of fasting for weight loss? And lots more!

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