Understanding The Authority of Jesus Name


Erschienen am 09.02.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783730937952
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 18 S., 0.40 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The failure of the Church today is not lack of faith but lack of knowledge about her new creation realities, our redemption in Christ and the authority of the name of Jesus. Because Jesus has fulfilled every claims of Justice to make the Church the living organism, which God has predestinated her to be.The church has been fed with too much sense knowledge, sin consciousness and every form of inferiority complex and thus has become more conscious of the power of Satan more than the Risen Christ, which is residing within us.The church has not taught us (the New Creations) the truth of what we are in Christ or how Righteousness and Faith had been made available to us. The church has been very strong in her criticising of sins in the believer. She has been very strong in teaching man his need of Righteousness, his weakness and inability to please God, his state of unbelief, world conformity and lack of faith. There are too many theological junk going on in the name of full gospel message. However, a clear knowledge of our privileges and rights in Christ will lift us from the place of failure to the position of masters and supermen over circumstances and the devil In this series comprising of three mini books, we are going to unveil the three keys to power made available to us through Righteousness. The Keys are the Reality of the Authority of the Name of Jesus, The Reality of the New Creation and the Reality of our Redemption in Christ. And we are starting with UNDERSTANDING THE AUTHORITY OF THE NAME OF JESUS.It is my greatest belief that after reading through this book, the truth inside will literally change your entire life. I mean this book will change you as you discover truths that will set you free from the chains of ignorance, diseases, poverty and failure.

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