The Healer and Other Stories


Erschienen am 08.08.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781908372642
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 198 S., 0.53 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In this collection of short stories Vincent Cobb explores aspects of life that are both extraordinary and interesting but often delve in to the otherworld of the supernatural. From the story of the remarkable but apparently ordinary Agnes Ward , whose discovery of Cancer takes her on a journey out of this world .We meet Fred who is Dead , no one has told him and he is a bit fuddled with the situation of his own Funeral although things are going to get worse for him as the Sins of the past catch up with all men .Then there is the Psychopath , an inside the mind view of how he is made , no holds barred if you dare. What is the true price of a Fouzand Quid ? Two tramps are about to find out .The Haunting finds us in the House from hell , while the Nativity spins a new take on the greatest story ever told .In lonely Hearts a man of god finds himself trapped by the lover from hell .Succinct , entertaining and always with a wry point to make these short stories will brighten any reading time .Just don't look over your shoulder without preparing yourself first .


Vincent Cobb was born and educated in Blackpool and spent most of his working life in the travel industry. Eventually he moved to London, where he became 'joint managing director' of Thomson Holiday, the giant package tour company, before moving on to head up Club 1830. His first book, The Package Tour Industry, was published last year and recounts his many personal experiences in the early days of travel some humorous and some terrifying.The author lives in the Home Counties with his wife, Pat.

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