The Package Tour Industry


Erschienen am 08.08.2012, 2. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781908372208
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 198 S., 0.69 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Millions of us take package holidays for granted every year but did you ever wonder how it all began? Thanks to Vincent Cobb's 35 years experience working in the travel industry culminating in his position as Managing director of Thomson Holidays we can learn about all the tricks they had to get up to that formed the basis of the business at its outset. This fascinating book allows us to observe the industries steep learning curve from it's infancy in the late 50's to the present day using you the public as guinea pigs. You will find this a gripping yet refreshingly humorous account. The author will tell you of dramatic journeys by plane, coach and ship, both by day and night, involving relentless pressure and many sleepless nights. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for a bumpy ride!Revised and updated with even more detail and history than previously published this is a valuable reference work of social history at a time when we took our lives in our hands when we went on Holiday .


Vincent Cobb was born and educated in Blackpool and spent most of his working life in the travel industry. Eventually he moved to London, where he became joint managing director of Thomson Holiday, the giant package tour company, before moving on to head up Club 1830. His first book, The Package Tour Industry, was published last year and recounts his many personal experiences in the early days of travel some humorous and some terrifying.The author lives in the Home Counties with his wife, Pat.

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