Girl From Venice


Erschienen am 03.11.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781849838177
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 400 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Dont miss the latest book in the Arkady Renko series, THE SIBERIAN DILEMMA by Martin Cruz Smith, ';the master of the international thriller' (New York Times) available to order now! One of those writers that anyone who is serious about their craft views with respect bordering on awe Val McDermid Makes tension rise through the page like a sharks fin'IndependentFrom the creator of the revered Arkady Renko series and bestselling author of Gorky Park comes a suspenseful World War II story set against the beauty, mystery and danger of occupied Venice.Venice, 1945. The war may be waning, but the city known as La Serenissima is still occupied and the people of Italy fear the power of the Third Reich. One night, under a canopy of stars, a fisherman named Cenzo finds a young woman's body floating in the lagoon and soon discovers that she is still alive and in trouble. Born to a wealthy Jewish family, Giulia is on the run from the Wehrmacht SS. Cenzo chooses to protect Giulia an act of kindness that leads them into the world of Partisans, Mussolini's broken promises, and, everywhere, the enigmatic maze of the Venice Lagoon...Praise for Martin Cruz Smith The story drips with atmosphere and authenticity a literary triumph David Young, bestselling author ofStasi Child One of those writers that anyone who is serious about their craft views with respect bordering on aweVal McDermid ';Cleverly and intelligently told,The Girl from Veniceis a truly riveting tale of love, mystery and rampant danger. I loved it' Kate Furnivall, author of The Liberation ';Smith not only constructs grittily realistic plots, he also has a gift for characterisation of which most thriller writers can only dreamMail on Sunday Smith was among the first of a new generation of writers who made thrillers literary Guardian Brilliantly worked, marvellously written . . . an imaginative triumph Sunday Times ';Martin Cruz Smith's Renko novels are superb' William Ryan, author ofThe Constant Soldier

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