
eBook - Dr Bloom

Erschienen am 18.03.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473578647
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 432 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Sometimes to catch a killer you have to become the prey.'A satisfying and pacey thriller from a talented author' J M Dalgliesh, author of ONE LOST SOUL___________________________________**THE THIRD DR BLOOM THRILLER**___________________________________The Foreign Secretary is being held under the Terrorism Act. He will answer the police's questions on one condition - they let him speak to Dr Augusta Bloom.He asks Bloom to track down his niece, Scarlett, who hasn't spoken to her family for ten years. The last they heard, Scarlett was getting involved with Artemis - an organisation dedicated to women's rights and the feminist movement, led by the charismatic Paula Kunis.But as Bloom learns more about Artemis, she's torn. Is this organisation everything it claims to be, or do they have a secret side and an alternative agenda? And if so, what has become of Scarlett?The only way to find out for sure is for Bloom to go undercover. But will she make it out safely - or will she become the next Artemis woman to disappear?*****LONGLISTED FOR THE ARNOLD BENNETT BOOK PRIZEREADERS LOVE DR BLOOM'S LATEST INVESTIGATION:'Jam packed with excitement and twists around every corner' *****'Once again Leona Deakin has hit the ball out of the park' *****'What a gripping book, so many brilliant twists and turns' *****'This book is unlike any other crime/mystery novel that I have ever read' *****'A really intense and gripping read' *****'Well written and a real page-turner' *****'I was completely riveted by this book' *****

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