I Can't Believe You Just Said That

eBook - The truth about why people are SO rude

Erschienen am 15.06.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473529908
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 352 S., 4.07 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Passive aggression. Road rage. Snarky tweets. Queue-jumpers. Idiots who are #justsaying. Fat shamers. Victim blaming. Furious waitresses who refuse to sell you a hot dog We are ruder than weve ever been.

In this incisive and very funny book, Danny Wallace investigates the new wave of rudeness that threatens to overwhelm us. He travels the world, visiting our rudest critics, interviewing psychologists, psychiatrists, bell boys, cab drivers, bin men, barristers, politicians, a limo driver called José and at least one expert in cooked meat production. In doing so he uncovers the hidden truths behind what makes us rude, whether it can be caught, and how one small moment of rudenesslike being declined a hotdogcan snowball into disaster.

From the jihadist who launched a blistering attack on the bad manners of his fellow ISIS militants, to the mayor in Bogota who recruited an army of mimes to highlight inconsiderate drivingthis is a very funny and powerful exploration into the way humans work and why it is surely time for an anti-rudeness revolution.


Danny Wallace is aSunday Times-bestselling author who lives in London. His first book,Join Me, was described as a word-of-mouth phenomenon byThe Booksellerand one of the funniest stories you will ever read by theDaily Mail. His second book,Yes Man in which he decided to say Yes to everything became a hugely successful film with Jim Carrey in the lead role.

His column inShortListmagazine reaches more than 1.3 million readers weekly. He was the PPA Columnist of the Year 2011 and the Arqiva Radio Presenter of the Year 2012 for his work as the host of the triple Sony Award-winning Xfm Breakfast Show with Danny Wallace.GQmagazine has called him: One of Britains great writing talents.


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