More Awkward Situations for Men


Erschienen am 30.06.2011, 1. Auflage 2011
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446489208
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 288 S., 0.93 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


In the brilliant AWKWARD SITUATIONS FOR MEN, Danny Wallace entertained us with wonderfully funny true stories from his often embarrassing and bewildering everyday life as a man.

Well, Danny is back - and he's even more confused than ever!

A lot has happened to Danny Wallace in the past year. He has had a baby and has been hobnobbing with the powers that be in Hollywood. But that hasn't made him any less awkward.

Being more of a grown up brings its own baffling etiquette and expected social graces, and no-one has told Danny.

Join Danny once again on his very funny stumble through more Awkward Situations. It's not easy being a man!


Danny's first solo book,Join Me, was described as a 'word-of-mouth phenomenon' byThe Booksellerand 'one of the funniest stories you will ever read' by theDaily Mail. His second book,Yes Man- in which he decided to say 'Yes' to everything - was described as 'hilarious' by several national newspapers. The Warner Bros. film adaptation of Wallace's bookYes Man, starring Jim Carrey in the lead role, was released in December 2008 and grossed $230,000,000 worldwide. Danny's third bookFriends Like These, described byThe Bookselleras 'another comedy masterpiece' is currently in development as a major project by Miramax.Danny Wallace is PPA's Columnist of the Year 2011. Danny Wallace was recently shortlisted for PPA Columnist of the Year for his weekly column inShortlist Magazine, 'Danny Wallace is a Man', which formed the starting point for his bookAwkward Situations for Men.In 2010, American television network ABC commissioned a pilot ofAwkward Situations for Men, starring Danny in the lead role.

Danny lives in North London with his wife and baby. Find out more about Danny atwww.dannywallace.com.


Danny is back with more hilarious true-life stories of hopeless modern manhood

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