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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473523760
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 272 S., 1.08 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


An extraordinary piece of writing stunningly bold, original and humane Joanna Kavenna,Daily Telegraph AGuardian/New Statesman/Observer/SpectatorBook of the Year

Shortlisted for the 2016 Goldsmiths Prize In the wake of family collapse, a writer and her two young sons move to London. The process of upheaval is the catalyst for a number of transitions personal, moral, artistic, practical as she endeavours to construct a new reality for herself and her children.

Filtered through the impersonal gaze of its keenly intelligent protagonist,Transitsees Rachel Cusk delve deeper into the themes first raised in her critically acclaimedOutline, and offers up a penetrating and moving reflection on childhood and fate, the value of suffering, the moral problems of personal responsibility and the mystery of change.


Rachel Cuskwas born in Canada in 1967 and moved to the United Kingdom in 1974. She is the author of nine novels and three works of non-fiction. She has won and been shortlisted for numerous prizes:Outline(2014) was shortlisted for the Folio Prize, the Goldsmiths Prize, the Baileys Prize, the Giller Prize and the Canadian Governor General's Award. It was also picked by theNew York Timesas one of the top ten books of the year. In 2003, Rachel Cusk was nominated byGrantamagazine as one of 20 'Best of Young British Novelists'. In 2015 her version of Euripides Medea was put on at the Almeida Theatre with Rupert Goold directing and was shortlisted for the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize.


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