The Table Of Less Valued Knights


Erschienen am 07.08.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473513020
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S., 1.59 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Longlisted for the 2015 Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction

Sir Humphrey du Val of the Table of Less Valued Knights Camelot's least prestigious table, with one leg shorter than the others so that it has to be propped up with a folded napkin doesn't do quests ... until he meets Elaine, a damsel in distress with a secret to hide.

Meanwhile, Queen Martha of Puddock is on the run from an arranged marriage to the odious Prince Edwin of Tuft. But an encounter with the Locum of the Lake (standing in for the full-time Lady) leaves her with a quest of her own: to find her missing brother, long believed dead.

The two quests collide, introducing a host of Arthurian misfits, including a freakishly short giant, a twelve-year-old crone, an amorous unicorn, and a magic sword with a mind of her own.

WithGods Behaving BadlyMarie Phillips showed that she has a rare gift for comedy, giving the Greek Gods an ingenious contemporary twist. InThe Table of Less Valued Knightsit's Camelot's turn, and you'll never see a knight in shining armour in the same way again.


Marie Phillips was born in London in 1976. Her first novel,Gods Behaving Badly, was published in 2007. Widely acclaimed, it was translated into over fifteen languages and made into a feature film. She is also the writer, with fellow novelist Robert Hudson, of the BBC Radio 4 seriesWarhorses of Letters.


Eagerly awaited second novel by the author of Gods Behaving Badly - a deliciously funny peek into one of the dustier corners of Camelot

Longlisted for the 2015 Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction

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