Lost Flowers of Alice Hart: the bestselling debut novel of 2018


Erschienen am 19.03.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
49,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781460708835
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 400 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Winner of the 2019 ABIA General Fiction Book of the Year Award.The international bestseller, now sold to over 30 territories internationally, The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart tells the enchanting and compelling story of a young girl, daughter of an abusive father, who has to learn the hard way that she can break the patterns of the past, live on her own terms and find her own strength. 'Lush, powerful ...an engrossing novel of female survival.' Bookseller + Publisher A young girl loses both her parents in a tragic event, and is taken to live with her grandmother on a flower farm. Growing up, Alice learns the language of Australian native flowers as a way to say the things that are too hard to speak. But she also learns that there are secrets within secrets about her past. An unexpected betrayal leaves her reeling, and she escapes to try to make her own - sometimes painful - way through the world, and to find her story.The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart is a story about stories: those we inherit, those we select to define us, and those we decide to hide. It is a novel about the secrets we keep and how they haunt us, and the stories we tell ourselves in order to survive.Spanning twenty years, and set between sugar cane fields by the sea, a native Australian flower farm and a celestial crater in the central desert, The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart follows the life of Alice as she discovers that the most powerful story she will ever possess is her own.

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