Late in the Day


Erschienen am 15.01.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780062476715
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 304 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


With each new book by Tessa Hadley, I grow more convinced that shes one of the greatest stylists alive.Ron Charles, Washington PostNew York Times Book Review Editors' Choice |A Parnassus First Editions Club Pick | Powells Indispensable Book Club Pick |A Washington Post Notable Book | A Slate Best Book of the Year | A Boston Globe Best Book of the Year | A Bookpage Best Book of the YearThe lives of two close-knit couples are irrevocably changed by an untimely death in the latest from Tessa Hadley, the acclaimed novelist and short story master who recruits admirers with each book (Hilary Mantel).Alexandr and Christine and Zachary and Lydia have been friends since they first met in their twenties. Thirty years later, Alex and Christine are spending a leisurely summers evening at home when they receive a call from a distraught Lydia: she is at the hospital. Zach is dead.In the wake of this profound loss, the three friends find themselves unmoored; all agree that Zach, with his generous, grounded spirit, was the irreplaceable one they couldnt afford to lose. Inconsolable, Lydia moves in with Alex and Christine. But instead of loss bringing them closer, the three of them find over the following months that it warps their relationships, as old entanglements and grievances rise from the past, and love and sorrow give way to anger and bitterness.Late in the Dayexplores the complex webs at the center of our most intimate relationships, to expose how, beneath the seemingly dependable arrangements we make for our lives, lie infinite alternate configurations. Ingeniously moving between past and present and through the intricacies of her characters thoughts and interactions, Tessa Hadley once again crystallizes the atmosphere of ordinary life in prose somehow miraculous and natural (Washington Post).

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