The Black Flag Tales - Sea Adventure Novels


Dumas, Alexandre/Doyle, Arthur Conan/Dickens, Charles et al
Erschienen am 13.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547391869
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 9289 S., 77.85 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The Black Flag Tales - Sea Adventure Novels anthology is a meticulously curated collection that plunges readers into the turbulent waters of classic adventure and maritime lore. Encompassing a remarkable diversity of literary styles, from the meticulous historical reconstructions of Patrick O'Brian to the fantastical voyages of Jules Verne, and the dark, Gothic tales of Edgar Allan Poe, the volume serves as a testament to the enduring allure of the sea and its tales of courage, treachery, and the quest for freedom. The anthology not only showcases the rich tapestry of sea adventure narratives but also highlights significant pieces that have shaped the genre, making it an indispensable resource for both scholars and enthusiasts of maritime literature. The backgrounds of the contributing authors read like a who's who of literary giants from the 18th to early 20th centuries. Collectively, their works epitomize the zenith of sea adventure writing, touching upon key historical, cultural, and literary movements of their times. From the Age of Sail to the dawn of modernity, these authors bring to life the challenges and triumphs of their protagonists amidst the backdrop of the vast, unpredictable ocean. Their collective contributions enrich the anthology, offering a multifaceted exploration of themes such as heroism, imperialism, and man's perennial battle against nature. The Black Flag Tales is more than just a collection of sea adventures; it is a voyage across time and imagination, inviting readers to explore the depths of human resilience and the indomitable spirit of adventure. It offers a unique opportunity to engage with the work of some of literature's most celebrated authors and dive into an ocean of tales that remain as captivating today as they were when first penned. Readers eager to immerse themselves in the rich historical tapestry of sea adventure and to explore the complex interplay of man and the maritime world will find this anthology an invaluable and endlessly fascinating resource.

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