The Reign of Jolly Roger

eBook - Pirate Collection: History of the True Buccaneers, Novels, Stories & Legends

Dumas, Alexandre/Doyle, Arthur Conan/Dickens, Charles et al
Erschienen am 17.05.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547005292
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 11554 S., 78.83 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


DigiCat Publishing presents to you this unique collection of pirate tales, sea adventure novels and true stories of the most notorious pirates:_x000D_ True Pirates of the Caribbean:_x000D_ The King of Pirates: Of Captain Avery, And his Crew_x000D_ Captain Martel_x000D_ Captain Teach, alias Blackbeard_x000D_ Edward England_x000D_ Charles Vane_x000D_ Rackam_x000D_ Mary Read_x000D_ Anne Bonny_x000D_ John Bowen..._x000D_ The Trial of the Pirates at Providence_x000D_ The Pirate Gow _x000D_ The Pirates of Panama_x000D_ Novels& Stories:_x000D_ Treasure Island (Robert Louis Stevenson)_x000D_ The Pirate (Walter Scott)_x000D_ Blackbeard: Buccaneer (Ralph D. Paine)_x000D_ Pieces of Eight (Richard Le Gallienne)_x000D_ The Gold-Bug (Edgar Allan Poe)_x000D_ Jack London:_x000D_ Hearts of Three_x000D_ Tales of the Fish Patrol_x000D_ Daniel Defoe:_x000D_ Robinson Crusoe_x000D_ Captain Singleton_x000D_ Jules Verne:_x000D_ The Mysterious Island_x000D_ Facing the Flag_x000D_ The Dark Frigate (Charles Boardman Hawes)_x000D_ Peter Pan and Wendy (J. M. Barrie)_x000D_ The Dealings of Captain Sharkey (Arthur Conan Doyle)_x000D_ The Pirate (Frederick Marryat)_x000D_ The Madman and the Pirate (R. M. Ballantyne)_x000D_ The Pirate City (R. M. Ballantyne)_x000D_ Gascoyne, the Sandal-Wood Trader (R. M. Ballantyne)_x000D_ Captain Boldheart& the Latin-Grammar Master (Charles Dickens)_x000D_ The Master Key (L. Frank Baum)_x000D_ A Man to His Mate (J. Allan Dunn)_x000D_ The Isle of Pirate's Doom (Robert E. Howard)_x000D_ Queen of the Black Coast (Robert E. Howard)_x000D_ James Fenimore Cooper:_x000D_ Afloat and Ashore_x000D_ Homeward Bound_x000D_ The Red Rover_x000D_ The Rose of Paradise (Howard Pyle)_x000D_ The Count of Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)_x000D_ The Ghost Pirates (William Hope Hodgson)_x000D_ The Offshore Pirate (F. Scott Fitzgerald)_x000D_ Harry Collingwood:_x000D_ A Pirate of the Caribbees_x000D_ The Pirate Island_x000D_ Among Malay Pirates (G. A. Henty)_x000D_ Great Pirate Stories (Joseph L. French)_x000D_ Fanny Campbell, the Female Pirate Captain (Maturin Murray Ballou)_x000D_ The Dark Frigate (Charles B. Hawes)_x000D_ Kidd the Pirate (Washington Irving) _x000D_ The Death Ship (William Clark Russell)_x000D_ The Iron Pirate (Max Pemberton)


Charles Dickens (1812-1870) was a literary colossus of the 19th century, an author whose depth of empathy, wit, and social critique has afforded him an enduring legacy in the canon of English literature. Dickens's oeuvre showcases his mastery of the serial publication format, his unparalleled capacity for character creation, and an ardent attention to the societal issues of his time, such as class disparity, poverty, and the iniquities of the Industrial Revolution. While 'The Reign of Jolly Roger' is not recognized among his repertoire, his authentic works like 'Oliver Twist' (1837-1839), 'David Copperfield' (1849-1850), and 'Great Expectations' (1860-1861) encapsulate his narrative prowess and stylistic flair. Dickens's literary style is celebrated for its rich descriptions, poignant social commentary, and blend of comedy and pathos. Through his extensive collection of novels, novellas, and short stories, Dickens exposed the dark underbelly of Victorian England and championed the downtrodden, making his works as relevant today as they were in his own time. Despite his numerous contributions to literature, any attribution of 'The Reign of Jolly Roger' to Dickens would be misleading, as this title does not exist within the distinguished portfolio of his published works.

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