The Damned Thing

eBook - 1898, From 'In the Midst of Life'

Erschienen am 16.09.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547345947
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 107 S., 0.40 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Ambrose Bierce's 'The Damned Thing' is a riveting tale that delves into the supernatural and the unknown, leaving readers questioning the boundaries of reality. Set in the American wilderness, the story follows the mysterious and horrific events surrounding the appearance of an invisible entity that terrorizes a small town. Bierce's unique blend of horror and psychological thriller elements keeps readers on the edge of their seats, with a writing style that is vivid and atmospheric, drawing the reader into the eerie setting. The eerie and suspenseful tone of the story reflects the author's fascination with the macabre and the unexplained, making it a standout in the genre of weird fiction. Ambrose Bierce's exploration of fear and the unknown in 'The Damned Thing' makes it a must-read for fans of horror and dark literature, showcasing his mastery of creating tension and intrigue in a narrative.


Ambrose Bierce, an American writer known for his satirical wit and sardonic view of human nature, carved a distinctive niche in the late 19th and early 20th century literary world. Bierce was born on June 24, 1842, in Meigs County, Ohio, and disappeared in mysterious circumstances circa 1914. A prolific writer, journalist, and editorialist, he served in the Union Army during the Civil War, an experience that profoundly shaped his writing and provided rich material for his short stories and memoirs, like the acclaimed 'An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge' and 'Tales of Soldiers and Civilians' (1891). His most celebrated work, however, is 'The Devil's Dictionary' (1906), a lexicon that employs satire to reinterpret various social and political terminologies. 'The Damned Thing', one of Bierce's many short stories, illustrates his mastery in using psychological horror and the supernatural to explore the dark corners of the human experience. Written in a non-linear narrative style, the story delves into the mysterious and unseen forces that can dramatically impact reality, showcasing Bierce's fascination with the inexplicable. His writing style, marked by a clear, unadorned prose, and a cynicism that highlighted the imperfections of both individuals and society, has left a lasting impression on American literature and on writers who followed, including H. P. Lovecraft and Ernest Hemingway.

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