The Commentaries of Cæsar


Erschienen am 15.08.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547180456
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 129 S., 0.51 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Anthony Trollope's "The Commentaries of Cæsar" is a meticulously researched and detailed examination of Julius Caesar's conquests in Gaul. Written in Trollope's characteristic clear and engaging style, the book not only analyzes Caesar's military campaigns but also delves into the political and social implications of his actions. Trollope's deep understanding of history and his ability to bring characters to life on the page make this book a must-read for any student of ancient Roman history. Set against the backdrop of the Roman Republic's tumultuous political climate, Trollope's work offers valuable insights into the complexities of power and ambition in a rapidly changing world.


Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was a prolific Victorian novelist renowned for his keen observations on the social and political landscapes of English society. He is best acknowledged for his compelling portrayals that often reflected the struggles and triumphs of the middle and upper classes. Trollope's oeuvre comprises over 40 novels, including 'Barchester Towers' and 'The Way We Live Now,' and a series of political novels known collectively as the 'Palliser series.' While 'The Commentaries of Cæsar' is often wrongly ascribed to Trollope, his actual works delve deeply into the fabric of Victorian life, weaving intricate narratives that explore themes of morality, social status, and human nature. His literary style is characterized by a rich, descriptive approach, combined with a strong narrative drive and an incisive wit, often encompassing a broad swath of characters from various social backgrounds. As a writer, Trollope employed a rigorous writing regimen and a realistic, unromantic depiction of life, which earned him the admiration of both his contemporaries and future generations. His contribution to the English novel and his analysis of Victorian society remain a benchmark for scholars and literary enthusiasts alike.

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