Doctor Thorne (Unabridged)


Erschienen am 21.03.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9788027240838
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 516 S., 0.73 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In Anthony Trollope's 'Doctor Thorne,' the reader is transported to the genteel world of Barsetshire, where social class, love, and scandal intersect. Written in the 19th century, this novel blends elements of social critique, romance, and subtle humor, all in a beautifully crafted narrative style. Trollope's keen observation of human behavior and societal norms is evident throughout the book, making it a classic of Victorian literature. The story follows the lives of the characters as they navigate their way through love, marriage, and financial struggles, providing a nuanced portrayal of the era's social dynamics. 'Doctor Thorne' stands out as a noteworthy contribution to Trollope's esteemed literary repertoire, showcasing his talent for storytelling and character development. Anthony Trollope, a prolific Victorian author, drew inspirations from his own career in the British civil service to infuse his works with insightful commentary on the society of his time. His ability to vividly depict the minutiae of everyday life, combined with his satirical wit, continues to captivate readers today. Trollope's enduring popularity is a testament to his skillful storytelling and enduring relevance. For readers interested in immersive historical fiction that delves into the complexities of Victorian society, 'Doctor Thorne' is a must-read. Trollope's exploration of love, ambition, and moral dilemmas offers a rich and engaging narrative experience that leaves a lasting impact on the reader. This unabridged edition preserves the author's original vision, allowing readers to fully appreciate the depth and detail of Trollope's storytelling.

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