Open Agile Architecture¿ - A Standard of The Open Group


Erschienen am 18.12.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
54,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789401807272
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Open Agile Architecture, a standard of The Open Group, offers an approach to architect at scale with agility. It provides guidance and best practices for Enterprise Architects seeking to transition into Agile and Digital contexts. Empowering an Enterprise to Succeed with its Digital-Agile TransformationAgile teams drive the enterprises Digital Transformation by inventing new business models, delivering superior customer experiences, developing digital products, and architecting highly-automated operating systems.The Open Agile Architecture Standard was designed keeping the needs of all business stakeholders in mind:Business Leaders to drive the enterprises Digital and Agile change journeyEnterprise Architects to extend their scope of influence in an Agile at scale worldProduct Managers to help transform customer experience, innovate products, and generate growthProduct Owners to accelerate their transformation from managing feature backlogs to steering value deliveryOperations Managers to enable them to leverage Lean and automation to generate sustainable competitive advantagesSoftware Engineers to leverage the power of digital technologies to co-innovate with the businessThe more Agile the enterprise, the faster the learning cycles, and faster learning cycles translate to shorter time-to-market resulting in more agility. By adopting an Open Agile Architecture approach, your organization can capitalize on this accelerated learning cycle, meaning your Agile and Digital capabilities continuously and simultaneously co-create one another.

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