Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics 2013

eBook - New Domains and Methodologies, Yearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics

Erschienen am 23.05.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789400762503
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 296 S., 5.63 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


TheYearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics2013 discusses current methodological debates on the synergy of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics research. The volume presents insightful pragmatic analyses of corpora in new technological domains and devotes some chapters to the pragmatic description of spoken corpora from various theoretical traditions.

TheYearbook of Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics series will give readers insight into how pragmatics can be used to explain real corpus data, and, in addition, how corpora can explain pragmatic intuitions, and from there, develop and refine theory. Corpus Linguistics can offer a meticulous methodology based on mathematics and statistics, while Pragmatics is characterized by its efforts to interpret intended meaning in real language. This yearbook offers a platform to scholars who combine both research methodologies to present rigorous and interdisciplinary findings about language in real use.


1. New domains and methodologies in Corpus Linguistics and Pragmatics research, an Introduction.-Current theoretical issues in pragmatics and corpus linguistics research. 2.Advancing the research agenda of Interlanguage Pragmatics: The role of learner corpora.- 3. Corpus Linguistics and Conversation Analysis at the interface: theoretical perspectives, practical outcomes.- 4. Small corpora and pragmatics.-New domains for corpus linguistics and pragmatics. 5.Multiword structures in different materials, and with different goals and methodologies.- 6. Discourse Functions of recurrent multi-word sequences in online and spoken intercultural communication.- 7. Formality in digital discourse a study of hedging in CANELC.- 8. A corpus-based classification of commitments in Business English.-New methodologies for the pragmatic analysis of speech through corpora. 9.Can English provide a framework for Spanish response tokens?.- 10. The Corpus of Language and Nature (CLAN Project)®: a tool for the study of the relationship between cognition and emotions in language.- 11. System networks as a tool for the pragmatic analysis in an EFL spoken corpus.- 12. A cultural semantic and ethnopragmatic analysis of the Russian praise wordsmolodec andumnica (with reference to English and Chinese).-Book reviews. 13.Corpus Linguistics: Methods, Theory and Practice by Tony McEnery and Andrew Hardie. Reviewed by Dawn Knight.- 14.Cyberpragmatics. Internet-mediated Communication in Contextby Francisco Yus. Reviewed by Francisco Javier Díaz-Pérez.- Index.

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