MicroRNA Cancer Regulation

eBook - Advanced Concepts, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Tools, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology

Erschienen am 03.02.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9789400755901
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 346 S., 10.11 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This edited reflects the current state of knowledge about the role of microRNAs in the formation and progression of solid tumours. The main focus lies on computational methods and applications, together with cutting edge experimental techniques that are used to approach all aspects of microRNA regulation in cancer. We are sure that the emergence of high-throughput quantitative techniques will make this integrative approach absolutely necessary in the near future. This book will be a resource for researchers starting out with cancer microRNA research, but is also intended for the experienced researcher who wants to incorporate concepts and tools from systems biology and bioinformatics into his work. Bioinformaticians and modellers are provided with a general perspective on microRNA biology in cancer, and the state-of-the-art in computational microRNA biology.


Preface.- 1 MicroRNAs in human cancer.- 2 Bioinformatics, non-coding RNAs and its possible application in personalized medicine .- 3 MicroRNA target prediction and validation.- 4 MicroRNA-regulated networks: the perfect storm for classical molecular biology, the ideal scenario for systems biology.- 5The p53/microRNA network in cancer: experimental and bioinformatics approaches.-6 MicroRNAs in melanoma biology.-7 MicroRNA in the lung.-8 The E2F1-miRNA cancer progression network.- 9 Modeling of microRNA-transcription factor networks in cancer.- 10 Coordinated networks of microRNAs and transcription factors with evolutionary perspectives.- 11 Mathematical modeling of microRNA-mediated mechanisms of translation repression.- 12 Web resources for microRNA research.- 13 Discovery of microRNA regulatory networks by integrating multidimensional high-throughput data.- 14 Discovering the functional microRNA-mRNA regulatory modules in heterogeneous data.- 15 Elucidating the role of microRNAs in cancer through data mining techniques.- 16 Working together: Combinatorial regulation by microRNAs.

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