Lyra Celtica

eBook - Anthology of Representative Celtic Poetry

Erschienen am 27.10.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
2,13 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9788028320676
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 0.59 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Irish poetry is mainly written in Irish and English, though some is in Scottish Gaelic and some in Hiberno-Latin. The complex interplay between the two main traditions, and between both of them and other poetries in English and Scottish Gaelic, has produced a body of work that is both rich in variety and difficult to categorize. The earliest surviving poems in Irish date back to the 6th century, while the first known poems in English from Ireland date to the 14th century. Although there has always been some cross-fertilization between the two language traditions, an English-language poetry that had absorbed themes and models from Irish did not finally emerge until the 19th century. Table of Contents: Part I: I. Ancient Irish and Scottish II. Ancient Cornish III. Ancient Armorican (Breton) IV. Early Cymric and Medieval Welsh Part II: I. Irish (Modern and Contemporary) II. Scoto-Celtic (Middle Period) III. Modern and Contemporary Scoto-Celtic IV. Contemporary Anglo-Celtic Poets (Wales) V. Contemporary Anglo-Celtic Poets (Manx) VI. Contemporary Anglo-Celtic Poets (Cornish) VII. Modern and Contemporary Breton VIII. The Celtic Fringe Bliss Carman The War-Song of Gamelbar Golden Rowan A Sea Child Ellen Mackay Hutchinson The Quest Moth Song June Hugh M'Culloch Scent o' Pines Duncan Campbell Scott The Reed-Player Thomas D'Arcy M'CGee The Celtic Cross Mary C. G. Byron The Tryst of the Night Alice E. Gillington The Doom-Bar The Seven Whistlers Shane Leslie Requiem Padraic Colum An Old Woman of the Roads A Cradle Song James Stephens The Coolun The Clouds Eleanor Hull The Old Woman of Beare Thomas Macdonagh From a "Litany of Beauty" Seosamh Maccathmhaoil I will go with my Father a-ploughing A Northern Love Song Patrick MacGill Fairy Workers Francis Ledwidge The Shadow People My Mother Gordon Bottomley Lyric from "The Crier by Night" James H. Cousins The Quest Padraic H. Pearse The Fool Lord Dunsany The Return of Song Kenneth Macleod Dance to your Shadow Sea Longing The Reiving Ship Marjory Kennedy-Fraser Land of Heart's Desire

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