Castle Rackrent


Erschienen am 09.12.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783986774233
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 222 S., 0.72 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Castle Rackrent Maria Edgeworth - "Castle Rackrent" is a classic novel written by British writer Maria Edgeworth. Published in 1800, "Castle Rackrent" is thought to be both the first historical novel and the first novel to feature an unreliable narrator.Set in Ireland prior to its achieving legislative independence from Britain in 1782, "Castle Rackrent" follows the fortunes of the last four heirs to the Rackrent estate of three as told in the voiceof their longtime devoted servant, Thady Quirk. Over the course of several years (the Rackrent men die off in a timely manner), the Rackrents manage to run the estate into the ground, despite exploiting their Irish labourers. Is Thadys dewey-eyed devotion to the Rackrents sarcasm or is he truly one of the gratefully oppressed?The work satirises the Irish landlords of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Noted for its insight into Irish regional life, the book was the model on which Sir Walter Scott based his historical novels."Castle Rackrent" is a remarkably short novel, rendering a historical situation in order to expose the exploitative system beneath.


Edgeworth was an Anglo-Irish gentry-woman, born in Oxfordshire and later resettling in County Longford. She eventually took over the management of her father's estate in Ireland and dedicated herself to writing novels that encouraged the kind treatment of Irish tenants and the poor by their landlords.

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