Christina, Book 3: Consciousness Creates Peace

eBook - Christina

Erschienen am 12.09.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
11,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783905831702
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 275 S., 6.15 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Following the first two books of the "Christina" book series, both of which became bestsellers, the third book is now available. The first two books told the beginning of Christina's story: the extraordinary circumstances of her birth, her childhood and youth, and the beginning of her work in public up until spring 2018.The third book consists exclusively of Christina's own words, compiled from her seminars and interviews in 2018 and 2019. Christina tells us who we human beings really are, why conditions on Earth today are as they are, and which positive direction global development can take. She gives us confidence and hope for a future of inner and outer peace, and nourishes our feeling that, despite all the gloomy predictions, all will be well in the end.Further topics in Book 3 are: individual increase in vibration; purification of the soul; our body being and cell communication; our spiritual team; the great game of forgetting; karma and creative power; a school for heart-based learning; trust in your own heart feeling; the evolution of love; spiritual networking; childlike joie de vivre and playfulness.


Christina von Dreien (born 15 April 2001 in St. Gallen, Switzerland, as Christina Meier) was born with greatly expanded consciousness and a multitude of paranormal gifts. She thus belongs to a new generation of young people who give us an inkling of a completely new dimension of human existence. These trailblazers and impulse-givers have come to tell us of the true intrinsic worth and the greatness inherent in human beings and of how much positive potential lies dormant within each one of us. They show us how we can use the power of our consciousness and the power of unconditional love to transform our individual and collective lives in a healing and constructive manner.The first two books of the Christina series, telling the beginning of Christinas story from the perspective of her mother Bernadette von Dreien, were published in 2017 and 2018. Both books became bestsellers in the German-speaking world. With this third book in the series, Christina now presents her own first book.

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