Einstein, 1905-2005

eBook - Poincaré Seminar 2005, Progress in Mathematical Physics

Erschienen am 18.04.2006, 1. Auflage 2006
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783764374365
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 301 S., 3.63 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book is the fourth in a series of lectures of the S eminaire Poincar e,whichis directed towards a large audience of physicists and of mathematicians. The goal of this seminar is to provide up-to-date information about general topics of great interest in physics. Both the theoretical and experimental aspects are covered, with some historical background. Inspired by the Bourbaki seminar in mathematics in its organization, hence nicknamed Bourbaphi, the Poincar e Seminar is held twice a year at the Institut Henri Poincar e in Paris, with cont- butions prepared in advance. Particular care is devoted to the pedagogical nature of the presentations so as to ful?ll the goal of being readable by a large audience of scientists. This volume contains the seventh such Seminar, held in 2005. It is devoted to Einsteins 1905 papers and their legacy. After a presentation of Einsteins ep- temological approach to physics, and the genesis of special relativity, a cen- nary perspective is o?ered. The geometry of relativistic spacetime is explained in detail. Single photon experiments are presented, as a spectacular realization of Einsteins light quanta hypothesis. A previously unpublished lecture by Einstein, which presents an illuminating point of view on statistical physics in 1910, at the dawn of quantum mechanics, is reproduced. The volume ends with an essay on the historical, physical and mathematical aspects of Brownian motion. We hopethatthe publicationofthis serieswill servethe community ofphy- cists and mathematicians at the graduate student or professional level.


The Genesis of the Theory of Relativity.- Special Relativity: A Centenary Perspective.- From Euclids Geometry to Minkowskis Spacetime.- The de Sitter and anti-de Sitter Sightseeing Tour.- Experiments with Single Photons.- Einstein 19051955: His Approach to Physics.- On Boltzmanns Principle and Some Immediate Consequences Thereof.- Brownian Motion, Diverse and Undulating.

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