Remembering and Recounting the Cold War

eBook - Commonly Shared History?, Wochenschau Wissenschaft

Erschienen am 13.12.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783734404306
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 208 S., 4.08 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Perceptions and images of the Cold War as they appear in textbooks, in the classroom but also in public and in the scientific discourse are topic of this volume "Remembering and Recounting the Cold War Commonly Shared History?". These perceptions and images are particularly interesting because they are part of the communicative memory and are thus in the process of undergoing change. It is also the task of history didactics, here understood as a science concerned with investigating, theorizing on and staging the way of how people and societies deal with history and memories, to describe, to analyze and to interpret such moldings of teaching cultures, memory cultures and, of course, individual and collective views of this era.


Prof. Dr. Markus Furrer and Prof. Dr. Peter Gautschi, University of Teacher Education Lucerne, Center of History Education and Memory Cultures Lucerne, Switzerland


Authors ForewordIntroductionMarkus Furrer, Peter Gautschi: Memory Cultures and History Education. IntroductionPicturesAnu Raudsepp: On the Enemy Image in the Cold War Period History Textbooks Used in EstoniaDaniel V. Moser-Léchot: China after 1949 in Swiss History Textbooks from 1950 to 2005Political Culture Tamas Kanyo-Fischer: Erud? The Political Culture of the Cold War Remarks on HungaryAlexander S. Khodnev: The Culture of Memory of the Cold War in Modern Russia, 1991-2015Ismail H. Demircioglu: The Culture of Remembrance of the Cold War in TurkeyRecounting the Cold WarMarkus Furrer: A view of the Cold War in the Swiss Historical NarrativeUeli Bischof: The Cold War and Switzerland. Views of History of Central Switzerland Teachers of the Secondary Level I and II Ismail H. Demircioglu, Ebru Demircioglu: The Cold War in Turkish History TextbooksIsmail H. Demircioglu, Ebru Demircioglu: What Do Turkish History Teachers Think About The Cold War? Debating the Cold WarJoanna Wojdon: Colonel Ryszard Kuklinski (Jack Strong). A Case Study of the Polish Debates on the Cold WarLesson dossier on a history double lesson from Switzerland Documented and compiled by Peter Gautschi, Hans Utz, Nora Zimmermann: Switzerland's Attitude in the Cold WarAuthors

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