Risk Management in Global Organizations

eBook - Examples and Evaluating Figures

Erschienen am 11.06.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783656214243
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 22 S., 1.94 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Scientific Essay from the year 2012 in the subject Engineering - Safety Engineering, grade: 1, The Slovak Technical University (Institute of Safety and Environmental Engineering), language: English, abstract: In case of an unpredictable event, circumspect and aimed action is asked. In advance, goal-oriented precautions have to be met to represent information-streams and to enforce training - and education-measures.In the event-case, the effect as well as the size of damages can be minimized at persons, real values, the environment and the neighbourhood. The reputation of the company, its co-workers, business partners as well as the authorities and the population will be persistently and positively influenced by positive and clear directed action. The management has to fix business-politics and define a lasting risk-strategy that has to be com-municated to all co-workers. It is even though important that the goals are precisely and unequivocally defined in the business lines, not compete together and doesn't stand in conflict to each other. For the achievement of the strategic goals, it is decisive that the appointed goals are marketable and realizable. In order to shape the control of the goals more efficiently and effectively, it is necessary that these are quantifiable. Goals have to be fixed in writing and known to all co-workers.The prerequisite for the success of the system lies in the managements built up and past life risk-culture of the total business operation.

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