Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery


Erschienen am 21.02.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
87,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783642355912
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 112 S., 6.50 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery is recognized to be an important and effective option for the treatment of severe obesity and the various associated conditions and diseases. This book presents state of the art knowledge on such surgery with the aim of facilitating the sharing and exchange of knowledge, documenting effective techniques, and enhancing safety and outcomes. All technical aspects are covered in detail, and the text is complemented by many helpful illustrations. A further key feature is the provision of accompanying surgical videos, which will be of value to both novice and experienced surgeons. This textbook will be a great asset in clinical practice for all who are involved or interested in bariatric and metabolic surgery.


Seung Ho Choi, MD, Ph.D. Professor, Yonsei University College of Medicine Chief, Department of Surgery, Gangnam Severance Hospital

Kazunori Kasama, MD, FACS Director, Weight loss and metabolic surgery center Yotsuya Medical Cube


Part I: General knowledge for bariatric and metabolic surgery.- 1. Physiology of Morbid obese patient.- 2. Preoperative evaluation and preparation for patients.- 3. Anesthesia for morbid patients.- 4. Why bariatric surgery is risky?.- 5. Current indication.- 6. How to choose right procedures?.- Part II: surgical techniques and tips.- 1. Basic techniques and instruments.- a. Equipment for laparoscopic bariatric surgery.- b. Position of the patients and operating team.- c. How to make a pneumoperitoneum in morbid patients.- 2. Roux-en Y gastric bypass.- a. Procedure.- b. Tips of devascularization of lesser curvature, dissection of angle of His, or division of stomach in Roux-en Y gastric bypass.- c. Tips for gastrojejunostomy and jejunojejunostomy.- 3. Sleeve gastrectomy.- a. Procedure.- b. Tips for dissection of greater curvature around upper part of spleen.- c. Tip of how to make a good shaped sleeve.- d. Tip of lateral approach dissection for sleeve gastrectomy and median approach dissection.- e. Tip of crural repair.- 4. Gastric banding.- a. Procedure.- b. Tips for prevent slippage and erosion.- 5. Mini-gastric bypass.- a. Procedure.- b. Tips.- 6. Duodenojejunal bypass.- a. Procedure.- b. Tips for dissection of duodenum in duodenojejunal bypass and duodenal jejunal anastomosis.- 7. Others.- a. Tip of staple line reinforcement; Is it necessary?.- b. Tip of closing the defect possibly causing internal hernia.- c. Tip of how to measure limbs (and not to confuse limb direction).- Par III. Revisional surgery and management of complications.- 1. Revisional surgery.- 2. How to manage complications?.

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