Physics of Space Storms

eBook - From the Solar Surface to the Earth, Springer Praxis Books

Erschienen am 21.01.2011, 1. Auflage 2011
173,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783642003196
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 500 S., 6.69 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This unique , authoritative book introduces and accurately depicts the current state-of-the art in the field of space storms. Professor Koskinen, renowned expert in the field, takes the basic understanding of the system, together with the pyhsics of space plasmas, and produces a treatment of space storms. He combines a solid base describing space physics phenomena with a rigourous theoretical basis. The topics range from the storms in the solar atmosphere through the solar wind, magnetosphere and ionosphere to the production of the storm-related geoelectric field on the ground. The most up-to-date information available ist presented in a clear, analytical and quantitative way.The book is divided into three parts. Part 1 is a phenomenological introduction to space weather from the Sun to the Earth. Part 2 comprehensively presents the fundamental concepts of space plasma physics. It consists of discussions of fundamental concepts of plasma physics, starting from underlying electrodynamics and statistical physics of charged particles and continuing to single particle motion in homogeneous electromagnetic fields, waves in cold plasma approximation, Vlasov theory, magnetohydrodynamics, instabilities in space plasmas, reconnection and dynamo.Part 3 bridges the gap between the fundamental plasma physics and research level physics of space storms. This part discusses radiation and scattering processes, transport and diffiusion, shocks and shock acceleration, storms on the Sun, in the magnetosphere, the coupling to the atmosphere and ground. The book is concluded wtih a brief review of what is known of space stroms on other planets. One tool for building this briege ist extensive cross-referencing between the various chapters. Exercise problems of varying difficulty are embedded within the main body of the text.


Preface1 Stormy Tour from the Sun to the Earth2 Physical Foundations3 Single particle motion4 Waves in Cold Plasma Approximation5 Vlasov Theory6 Magnetohydrodynamics7 Space Plasma Instabilities8 Magnetic Reconnection10 Transport and Diffusion in Space Plasmas11 Turbulence in Space Plasmas12 Shocks and Shock Acceleration13 Storms on the Sun14 Magnetospheric Storms and Substorms15 Storms in the Inner Magnetosphere16 Storms on other Planets

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