MARCO POLO Reiseführer E-Book Karibik, Kleine Antillen - Barbados, Windward Island, Französische & Niederländische Antillen, Leeward & Virgin Islands

eBook - Reisen mit Insider-Tipps. Inklusive kostenloser Touren-App, MARCO POLO Reiseführer E-Book

Erschienen am 14.02.2024, 14. Auflage 2024
11,99 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783575020871
Sprache: Deutsch
Umfang: 156 S., 25.33 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Revealing the lives of migrant couples and transnational households, this book explores the dark side of the history of migration in Argentina during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Using court records, censuses, personal correspondence and a series of case studies, Mar a Bjerg offers a portrayal of the emotional dynamics of transnational marital bonds and intimate relationships stretched across continents. Using microhistories and case studies, this book shows how migration affected marital bonds with loneliness, betrayal, fear and frustration. Focusing primarily on the emotional lives of Italian and Spanish migrants, this book explores bigamy, infidelity, adultery, domestic violence and murder within official and unofficial unions. It reveals the complexities of obligation, financial hardship, sacrifice and distance that came with migration, and explores how shame, jealousy, vengeance and disobedience led to the breaking of marital ties. Against a backdrop of changing cultural contexts Bjerg examines the emotional languages and practices used by adulterous women against their offended husbands, to justify domestic violence and as a defence against homicide. Demonstrating how migration was a powerful catalyst of change in emotional lives and in evolving social standards, Emotions and Migration in Early Twentieth-century Argentina reveals intimate and disordered lives at a time when female obedience and male honour were not only paramount, but exacerbated by distance and displacement.

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