Business Success in China


Erschienen am 22.11.2006, 1. Auflage 2006
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540346159
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 275 S., 4.24 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


China is the worlds largest power region, achieving economic growth rates that exceed those of most industrialized countries. Joining the WTO unleashed the powerful "dragon" of Eastern Asia and Chinese markets are expected to grow even faster in the coming years. International companies looking to start or extend business in China are finding exciting new opportunities. Yet these opportunities do not come without serious challenges.

In this book practitioners of international companies are offered valuable insights and lessons from established and successful managers, academics and consultants. The book is divided into three parts: "Opportunities and Challenges in China", "Strategies for Market Entry and Business Success" and "Practical Insights from China". It covers a variety of topics such as business strategies, branding, pricing, market research, legal constraints and successful business relations. It also takes a closer look at best practices from Volkswagen, Allianz and MAN Roland.


Opportunities and Challenges in China.- The Rise of the Dragon.- The Chinese Consumer Puzzle - Placing Branded FMCG in the Chinese Market.- After the Hype: Investment in China?.- The China Boom - Whats Left for Us?.- Tao, Strategy and Li.- Strategies for Market Entry and Business Success.- Conquering the Dragon Entry Strategies for the Chinese Market.- Competing in the Dragons Den: Strategies for a Changed China.- Business Strategy in Chinas Transformation.- A Guide to Business Success in China for Foreign Enterprises.- Effective Pricing Strategies for Foreign and Chinese Companies.- The Run to China and the Need of Better Information and Analysis.- Market Research as a Module in Market Strategies in China.- Legal Constraints on Business in China.- Successful Business Relations with China To-Dos and Taboos.- Practical Insights from China.- The Insurance and Banking Sectors in China.- Automotive Dragon Power in China.- Business Development in China: Volkswagens Involvement in this Emerging Market.- Engineering Business in China.- Market Entry and Business Success in PR China The Case of MAN Roland.- Invest in China How to Find the Right Location.

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