International law on human security in the 21st century


Erschienen am 03.09.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783346479259
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 12 S., 0.60 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Essay from the year 2021 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Topic: Public International Law and Human Rights, grade: 7.0, Tilburg University, course: International law and human security, language: English, abstract: This paper addresses the question of whether International law related to human security is adequate to address modern challenges, I argue in the affirmative, albeit partially. While I believe that International law in this area can certainly be improved upon as law, in general, is a dynamic phenomenon, it would be erroneous to assert that the laws are not adequate to address modern challenges to a considerable extent. In support of my position, I aim to advance the perspective that in matters concerning international human security law, we must draw distinctions between adequate/adequacy and application.' Whereas 'adequate' means "sufficient for a specific need or requirement." On the other hand, 'application' means "an act of putting something to use." It is my view that though international law is generally sufficient to address modern challenges, actions taken by international actors to tackle human security issues are usually unpredictable. 'Law,' being an institutional fixture, is enacted to ensure predictability and uniformity, and international law should be no exception. However, international actors are generally inclined to think and act otherwise. It is one thing to develop laws, and it is an entirely different matter to apply them. In further support of my position, I also seek to present the view and necessary evidence that the application of international law related to human security is majorly dependent on State policy and not the adequacy or otherwise of the law. Humanity's duty to protect human security interests in both conflict and non-conflict situations is deemed essential. Accordingly, the need for a comprehensive and inclusive International legal framework on human security is justified. In the wake of the security issues that we have been confronted with in the past and those that continue to threaten our concerted safety, deliberations surrounding the adequacy or otherwise of International law related to human security vis-à-vis modern challenges are inevitable.

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