Rapidly Changing Securities Markets

eBook - Who Are the Initiators?, Zicklin School of Business Financial Markets Series

Erschienen am 01.08.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
124,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319545882
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 1.38 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book offers a look at equity markets and what they have experienced since the 1997 Order Handling Rules were instituted. Specifically, it examines the tremendous technology innovation, intensified competition between an expanding set of alternative trading venues, and continuing regulatory changes that have occurred. Who have been the key initiators? How has market quality evolved over this period in response? What further structural and regulatory changes are still needed? These are among the key questions addressed in the volume, titled after the Baruch College Financial Markets Conference entitledRapidly Changing Securities Markets: Who are the Initiators?  
The Zicklin School of Business Financial Markets Series presents the insights emerging from a sequence of conferences hosted by the Zicklin School at Baruch College for industry professionals, regulators, and scholars. Much more than historical documents, the transcripts from the conferences are edited for clarity, perspective and context; material and comments from subsequent interviews with the panelists and speakers are integrated for a complete thematic presentation. Each book is focused on a well delineated topic, but all deliver broader insights into the quality and efficiency of the U.S. equity markets and the dynamic forces changing them.


Preface: Rapidly Changing Securities Markets: Who are the Initiators?.- Chapter 1 The SEC's Order Handling Rules of 1997 and Beyond.- Chapter 2 Fifteen Years After the Order Handling Rules: How do the Markets Look Today?.- Chapter 3 Competition, Incentives and Innovations in the Great American Marketplace.- Chapter 4 Regulators and Innovators as Initiators.- Chapter 5 A Walk Through Time.- Chapter 6 New Initiators: Technology, Market Events and Business Practices.- Chapter 7 The Need for Further Change.- Chapter 8 History, Regulation and the Evolution of a World-Class Exchange.

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