Elite Techniques in Shoulder Arthroscopy

eBook - New Frontiers in Shoulder Preservation

Erschienen am 29.12.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
111,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783319251035
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 17.50 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Ideal for shoulder surgeons who want to upgrade their skills to the next level, this practical, step-by-step text presents the latest cutting-edge management strategies and science aimed at shoulder preservation surgery. Highlighting four main areas - the overhead athlete, shoulder instability, glenohumeral arthritis, and the rotator cuff - these innovative techniques focus on the maintenance of the native shoulder joint. Chapters open with an introduction to the clinical problem, followed by misgivings related to open surgery or arthroplasty as treatment strategies. A rationale for the arthroscopic treatment is then presented, along with an in-depth description of the technique itself as well as preliminary results. Techniques presented include posterior capsule release for the overhead athlete, arthroscopic Latarjet for instability, the CAM procedure for glenohumeral arthritis, biological augmentation for rotator cuff repair. A fifth section covers post-operative care and return-to-play considerations. With contributions from many of the top thinkers and surgeons of the shoulder,Elite Techniques in Shoulder Arthroscopy brings these exciting new management strategies to the fore with the aim of elevating them to more common practice for orthopedic surgeons and sports medicine specialists.


John D. Kelly IV, MD, Director, Shoulder Sports Medicine, Director, Penn Center for Throwing Athletes, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Orthopedics, Philadelphia, PA, USA


Part I: Overhead Athlete.- Pathophysiology of Throwing Injuries.- Prevention of Labral and Rotator Cuff Injuries in the Overhead Athlete.- Keys to Successful Labral Repair.- Indications and Techniques for Posterior Capsule Release.- Throwing Acquired Anterior Rotator Interval Pathology.- Part II: Instability.- Evaluation of Bone Loss and the Glenoid Track.- Management of Capsular Laxity.- Remplissage: Technique and Results.- Arthroscopic Latarjet.- Posterior Instability.- Part III: Glenohumeral Arthritis.- Pearls for Through Debridement, Capsular Release, and the Role of Microfracture.- The Comprehensive Arthroscopic Management (CAM) Procedure for Young Patients with Glenohumeral Osteoarthritis.- Graft Interposition Arthroplasty.- Adhesive Capsulitis: Diagnosis, Etiology and Treatment Strategies.- Part IV: Rotator Cuff.- Ultrasound in Rotator Cuff Evaluation.- Indications for Repair: Who Really Needs Surgery?- Biologic Augmentation of Rotator Cuff Repair Repair.- Indications and Technique for Double Row Fixation.- Retracted Subscapularis Tears.- ont-family: 'Times New Roman', serif; font-size: 10pt;">Arthroscopic Repair of Massive Retracted Rotator Cuff Tears.- The Use of Graft Augmentation in the Treatment of Massive Rotator Cuff Tears.- Suprascapular Nerve Release: General Principles.- Spinoglenoid Ligament Release.- Part V: Post Op Care.- Maximizing Return to Activity Post Cuff and Instability Surgery.- When is the Patient TrulyReady to Return, a.k.a. Kinetic Chain Homeostasis.

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