Burning Mouth Disease

eBook - A Guide for Patients

Erschienen am 25.03.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
43,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030942267
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 44 S., 1.48 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book is prepared for patients who suffer from 'Burning mouth disease', also referred to as 'Burning mouth syndrome'. It gives a comprehensive overview of the disease, its symptoms and management. Readers will learn about the terminology and definition of 'Burning mouth disease', and its suggested causes. Attention is paid to symptoms of various diseases that may mimic those of burning mouth disease. Neurological and psychogenic aspects are well covered, as are the many reported pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment modalities.

The combined training of the author in oral surgery, oral pathology and oral medicine has provided him with exceptional expertise in both the diagnosis and the management of patients with burning mouth disease. This book is a must have for everyone who is interested in this enigmatic disease.


Isaäc van der Waal(1943), born in The Netherlands, is an emeritus professor in Oral Pathology at the dental and medical school of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and has been the head of the department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Pathology. He has been trained in oral surgery, oral medicine and oral pathology. and is the author or co-author of more than 400 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. In addition, he wrote several books in the field of oral diseases. Isaäc van der Waal has over 45-years of experience with the management of patients suffering from burning mouth disease.


Introduction: Introduction.- Terminology and Definition.- Classification.- Epidemiology.Symptoms of Burning Mouth Disease:Introduction.- Burning Sensation and Other Dysaesthesias of the Oral Mucosa.- Dry Mouth.- Taste Disturbance.- Smell Disorder.- Association with other Orofacial Pain Disorders.- Complaints Elsewhere in the Body.Suggested Causes of Burning-Mouth-Disease-Like Symptoms:.-Introduction.- Allergy to Food Substances.- Anaemia.- Blood Disorders.- Dentures or Teeth Related Causes of Burning-Mouth-Disease-Like Symptoms.- Gastrointestinal Inflammation ('Gastritis').- Hormonal Disorders.- Medication, Side Effects.- Mucosal Diseases.- Neurological Diseases.- Parafunctional Habits.- Smoking and the Use of Alcohol.- Vitmain Deficiencies. Reported Treatment of Burning Mouth Disease:Introduction.- Treatment with Drugs.- Alternative Treatments.- Treatment without Drugs.- Psychosocial Intervention; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.- Summarizing Conclusion.Management of Burning Mouth Disease:Introduction.- Oral Examination.- Laboratory Investigations.- Dental Treatment.- The Importance of Proper Communication.- Proper Information.- Various Treatment Modalities.- Self-Care.- Psychosocial Intervention; Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.- Referral to a Specialist or a Multidisciplinary Pain Clinic.- Postscriptum.

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