

Erschienen am 23.05.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
2,95 €
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781984524898
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 248 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


From the national award-winning author of CodeName: Snake comes an extraordinarily realistic adventure in outer space. A huge asteroid is heading toward the earth, its magnetic signature causing tremendous vortexes of destruction even before it arrives. Scientists call its arrival the end of the earth. In an effort to preserve humanity, long-distance spacecrafts are launched to planets newly discovered to be in the Goldilocks range.The USs ship, Hope of Humanity arrived at its new planet, New Earth, a trip that took two years; and a new hope arose among the passengers. During their explorations, they discover that others from another solar system had arrived before them, and not everyone is thrilled with this discovery. In addition, some people no longer want to be on New Earth and wish to return home to earth, even though it appears that life on earth has been wiped out.When they arrive back on earth, what awaits them is beyond their belief, and they discover the huge lies they were fed. How far will people go to save themselves and humanity? This action thriller will sweep you along an unforgettable journey that tests modern science and old-fashioned ways. The surprise ending will leave you breathless, testing the ties of love and family and what exists out there.

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