
eBook - The BREATHTAKING new instalment in the No. 1 bestselling Blix & Ramm series¿, Blix & Ramm

Erschienen am 12.10.2023, 1. Auflage 2023
9,59 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781914585777
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 276 S., 0.52 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Incarcerated in a high-security prison, a broken Alexander Blix joins forces with Emma Ramm to find a ruthless killer who has escaped from a German jail and is making his way to Norway. Pulse-pounding Nordic Noir.`Blix suffers a series of vicious assaults in Stigma, the new novel by the stellar Norwegian crime-writing duo Jorn Lier Horst and Thomas Enger tense, brutal and fast-moving Sunday Times BOOK OF THE MONTH`Darkly twisty Crime Monthly`Superb Nordic noir. Dark, intricate and extremely compelling. Contemporary Scandinavian fiction at its best Will Dean_______Alexander Blix is a broken man. Convicted for avenging his daughter's death, he is now being held in one of Norway's high-security prisons. Inside, the other prisoners take every opportunity to challenge and humiliate the former police investigator.On the outside, Blix's former colleagues have begun the hunt for a terrifying killer. Walter Kroos has escaped from prison in Germany and is making his way north. The only lead established by the police is that Kroos has a friend in Blix's prison ward. And now they need Blix's help.Journalist Emma Ramm is one of Blix's few visitors, and she becomes his ally as he struggles to connect the link between past and present, between the world inside and outside the prison walls.And as he begins to piece things together, he identifies a woodland community in Norway where deeply scarred inhabitants foster deadly secrets... secrets that maybe the unravelling of everyone involvedTwo of Nordic Noir's finest writers return with the emotive, breath-holdingly intense and searingly tense fourth book in the number-one bestselling Blix& Ramm series._______Praise for the Blix& Ramm series:`If you're a fan of writers like Lars Kepler, Stefan Ahnhem or Søren Sveistrup, you won't want to miss this Crime by the Book`Two of the most distinguished writers of Nordic Noir Financial Times`An international sensation Vogue`The most exciting yet The Times`Devilishly complex Publishers Weekly`Fascinating Sun`Completely nerve-wracking Tvedestrandsposten`Everything I want in a book mystery, tension and action Jen Med's Book Reviews`Masterly NB Magazine`An absolute MUST for thriller fans in a class of its own Krimi Couch

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