Marxism and Phenomenology

eBook - The Dialectical Horizons of Critique, Continental Philosophy and the History of Thought

Erschienen am 25.10.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
52,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781793622563
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 276 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Marxism and Phenomenology: The Dialectical Horizons of Critique, edited by Bryan Smyth and Richard Westerman, offers new perspectives on the possibility of a philosophical outlook that combines Marxism and phenomenology in the critique of capitalism. Although Marxisms focus on impersonal social structures and phenomenologys concern with lived experience can make these traditions appear conceptually incompatible, the potential critical force of a theoretical reconciliation inspired several attempts in the twentieth century to articulate a phenomenological Marxism. Updating and extending this approach, the contributors to this volume identify and develop new and previously overlooked connections between the traditions, offering new perspectives on Marx, Husserl, and Heidegger; exploring themes such as alienation, reification, and ecology; and examining the intersection of Marxism and phenomenology in figures such as Michel Henry, Walter Benjamin, and Frantz Fanon. These glimpses of a productive reconciliation of the respective strengths of phenomenology and Marxism offer promising possibilities for illuminating and resolving the increasingly intense social crises of capitalism in the twenty-first century.


Bryan Smyth is visiting assistant professor of philosophy at the University of Mississippi.

Richard Westerman is associate professor of sociology at the University of Alberta.




Richard Westerman and Bryan Smyth

Chapter 1: The Problem of Form: Recovery of the Concrete in Contemporary Phenomenological Marxism

Ian Angus

Chapter 2: Catalyzing Convergence of Marxs Body of Ideas with Phenomenology: Ecosocialism

Marilyn Nissim-Sabat

Chapter 3: Marxism, Phenomenology, and the Mythico-Political

Bryan Smyth

Chapter 4: Meaning and Being: Georg Lukács and the Phenomenology of Modes of Production

Richard Westerman

Chapter 5: The Phenomenology of Societal Interaction in the Thought of Max Adler, Edmund

Husserl, and Their Antecedents

Mark E. Blum

Chapter 6: Capital as Enframing: On Marx and Heidegger

Christian Lotz

Chapter 7: Towards A Social Paradigm of Left-Heideggerianism

Kurt C. M. Mertel

Chapter 8: The Dawning Ethics of Aleatory Materialism: A Study of Marx and Michel Henry

Max Schaefer

Chapter 9: Benjamins Critical Marxist Phenomenology: Reification, Experience, and the Politics of the Crowd

Paul Mazzocchi

Chapter 10: Contradictory Colonial Locations: An Outline for a Theory through Marxism and Phenomenology

Jérôme Melançon


About the Contributors

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