Going Beyond 'The Talk'

eBook - Relationships and Sexuality Education for those Supporting 12 -18 year olds

Erschienen am 19.05.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
26,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781787755130
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 240 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Drawing on extensive professional and personal experience, this book offers guidance and advice on how to better communicate with 12-18-year olds about relationships and sexuality. An invaluable resource for teachers and parents, it provides you with the tools you need to feel confident and informed about how to talk about sex education at all stages.

The book explores the challenges in adult-child communication about sexuality and provides helpful advice on how to establish an open and positive dialogue, covering topics like social media, porn and sexual development in UK, US and Australian contexts. Specific age-based guidance and exercises are also offered. Finally, the book ends with the Flag System for identifying 'acceptable/nonacceptable' sexual behaviour and next steps. Throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of positive sexuality education, empowering young people to make their own choices on how to enjoy their relationships and sexuality in a safe and consensual way.


Sanderijn van der Doef is a Dutch psychologist, sexologist, trainer and author of best-selling books internationally. She is an international expert and leading authority in the field of sexual health and sexuality education.
Clare Bennett researches parent-child sexuality communication and is a senior lecturer at Cardiff University in Wales. She is also a nurse, with a background in sexual health and has extensive experience in working with children and their parents.
Arris Lueks has many years teaching experience and specializes in educating trainee primary school teachers in how to facilitate young children's learning about relationships and sexuality in the Netherlands.

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