Cathedrals of Steam

eBook - How London's Great Stations Were Built - And How They Transformed the City

Erschienen am 05.11.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
11,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781786499219
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 352 S., 11.34 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


'Fascinating''Books of the Year', Financial Times'London's twelve great rail termini are the epic survivors of the Victorian age... Wolmar brings them to life with the knowledge of an expert and the panache of a connoisseur.'Simon Jenkins'A wonderful tour, full of vivid incident and surprising detail.' Simon BradleyLondon hosts twelve major railway stations, more than any other city in the world. They range from the grand and palatial, such as King's Cross and Paddington, to the modest and lesser known, such as Fenchurch Street and Cannon Street. These monuments to the age of the train are the hub of London's transport system and their development, decline and recent renewal have determined the history of the capital in many ways.Built between 1836 and 1899 by competing private train companies seeking to outdo one another, the construction of these terminuses caused tremendous upheaval and had a widespread impact on their local surroundings. What were once called'slums' were demolished, green spaces and cemeteries were concreted over, and vast marshalling yards, engine sheds and carriage depots sprung up in their place.In a compelling and dramatic narrative, Christian Wolmar traces the development of these magnificent cathedrals of steam, provides unique insights into their history, with many entertaining anecdotes, and celebrates the recent transformation of several of these stations into wonderful blends of the old and the new.


Christian Wolmar has written for every national newspaper and appears frequently on TV and radio as a commentator on transport issues. His previous books include the widely-acclaimed The Subterranean Railway; Fire and Steam; Blood, Iron and Gold; Engines of War; The Great Railway Revolution; To the Edge of the World; and Railways and the Raj.

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