

Erschienen am 06.07.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781782691389
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 288 S., 0.53 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


A wickedly funny and life-affirming coming-of-age roadtrip story - winner of France's biggest prize for teen and YA fictionMireille, Astrid and Hakima have just been voted the three ugliest girls in school by their classmates on Facebook. But does that mean they're going to sit around crying about it?...Well, maybe a little, but not for long! Climbing onto their bikes, the friends set off on a summer roadtrip to Paris. The girls will find fame, friendship and happiness on their journey, and still have time to eat a mountain of food (and drink the odd glass of wine) along the way. But will they really be able to leave all their troubles behind?Piglettes is a hilarious, beautiful and uplifting story of three girls who are determined not to let online bullying get them down.Clémentine Beauvais (born 1989) is a French author living in the UK. She writes books in both French and English, for a variety of ages, and is a lecturer at the University of York. Piglettes won four prizes in France, including the biggest book prize for young adult fiction, the Prix Sorcières. Film and stage versions are also in production. Now Clémentinee has translated her book into English!


Clémentine Beauvais (born 1989) is a French author living in the UK. She writes books in both French and English, for a variety of ages, and is a lecturer at the University of York. Piglettes won four prizes in France, including the biggest book prize for young adult fiction, the Prix Sorcières. Film and stage versions are also in production. Now Clémentine has translated her book into English!

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