The Leadership Code

eBook - Using Life's Lessons to Inspire Others

Erschienen am 01.11.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781782554486
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 181 S., 0.20 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


The conventional perception of a leader is someone who carries a certain status: captain, coach or manager of a sports team, or executive in a company. Those positions certainly place people in leadership roles, but anyone in any position in any organization can be a leader. The Leadership Code explores that unconventional notion of personal leadership and blends it with the conventional perception by telling the journey of Paul "Whitey" Kapsaliswho grew into leadership roles in sports, business, and other areas of lifeand using his observations of the people he encountered on his path, the people he calls "exceptional everyday leaders." The authors' approach starts with philotimoa Greek word that roughly translates to honor in doing the right thing, but encompasses a much broader philosophy akin to servant-leadership. It reflects a humility that values others above oneself. It also begins with a commitment to yourself and a decision to be a leader who cares more about those around you than individual acclaim; a leader with heart. In The Leadership Code, you'll read about the different places in life where leadership presents itself: in a family, in sports, in parenthood, in business, in friendship, and in your community. In each of those instances, the authors emphasize that it doesn't matter what place you occupy. What matters is how you occupy that place. Anyone can be a leader with heart.


Paul "Whitey" Kapsalis is a sales representative in the Apparel Industry in Indianapolis, IN, where he has successfully built a loyal and lucrtive customer base. Recognized in the Indianapolis Business Journal's "Forty Under 40" list for positive contributions, he also won the Indiana Youth Soccer Presidents Award in 2010. In that same year, he won the Indiana Sports Corporation Volunteer of the Year Award. Paul serves as chairman of the Bigelow-Brand Charity Advisory Board of the Pancreatic Cyst& Cancer Early Detection Center, and he was recognized as the 2017 IU School of Medicine Spirit of Philanthropy Award winner. Ted Gregory is a Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter at the Chicago Tribune, co-author of two booksOur Black Year and To Chase A Dreamand author of a third book, Mary Jane's Ghost. He lives near Chicago, IL, with his wife and children.

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