Decide for Yourself

eBook - A Theological Workbook

Erschienen am 01.10.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781725232167
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 180 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


The great Christian doctrines are worth thinking through for ourselves. That's why Gordon Lewis has provided this concise and complete survey of the major truths of the Christian faith.But rather than just telling us what he has discovered in Scripture, he offers a theological workbook that helps us explore the evidence itself and to draw our own conclusions. He has organized the material around the main themes of God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, humanity, creation, the church, and the end times.This unique text has been used by students of the Bible over the last three decades in the classroom, in the home and in the church. Its enduring quality continues to make it a valuable tool for all who want to develop a systematic theology for themselves.Of Lewis's six published books, his Decide for Yourself: A Theological Workbook has been the most versatile. It has been used in informal neighborhood and college Bible studies, church education classes, youth groups, Bible schools, colleges, and seminaries, and extension courses in theological education.It has been translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Lithuanian, Spanish and Vietnamese.Chapters 1-3 are updated to interact with the postmodernist views of human language.


Gordon R. Lewis served as Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Denver Seminary until his retirement in 1993. He was also Senior Professor of Theology and Philosophy at Denver Seminary. Lewis studied at Baptist Bible Seminary and Cornell University. He earned degrees at Gordon College (BA), Faith Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Syracuse University (MA and PhD in philosophy). His dissertation investigated the harmony of "Faith and Reason in the Thought of Augustine." He also wroteWhat Everyone Should Know about Transcendental Mediation (Regal) in 1975, and his magnum opus,Integrative Theology (3 vols., Zondervan) in 1996, with colleague Bruce Demarest.

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