Positive Attitude Training

eBook - How to Be an Unshakable Optimist

Erschienen am 17.09.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
13,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781722522698
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 192 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Dr. Broder not only says you can do it, but shows you how! You can be the master of your attitudes and emotions, learn to optimize the power of positive thinking and discover proven strategies for taking charge of any part your life. With the techniques you'll learn inPositive Attitude Training, you can become an inspiration to others - a successful, and solidly high-energy person.Positive Attitude Training is grounded in the once revolutionary, now state-of-the-art branch of psychology called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

InPositive Attitude Training, you'll learn to:CONQUER low frustration tolerance (LFT)GET the "shoulds" out of your life and release the disturbing emotions they createDISCOVER and avoid the nine thinking error traps that account for most negative thinkingMAKE stress work for youCHANGE self-defeating attitudes into powerful affirmationsOVERCOME depression, guilt and worryCONTROL your habitsMASTER decision making skillsDEFEAT ambivalence, procrastination and goal destroying perfectionismSET new goals and make major life changesBUILD a positive winning self-imageAnd much more!Finally, you'll learn to think of building positive attitudes - aka emotional muscle - the way you would think of building your physical strength, and begin seeing and feeling the results in the shortest time possible.

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