Seriously, You Have to Eat


Erschienen am 14.09.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
7,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781617754296
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 32 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


"e;Parents and children alike will surely welcome a pause to bond over a shared recognition that their endless battles are not theirs alone--before they get back to them."e;--New York Journal of Books"e;Everything you hoped for and more....Adam Mansbach, the author and Owen Brozman, the illustrator, have definitely hit a chord with parents."e;--Examiner.com"e;A fun title to read aloud and share!"e;--Midwest Book Review"e;This hilarious book goes into the struggle of getting children to eat and how frustrating it is for parents....With the age-old struggle of getting kids to eat, we are certain parents and grandparents alike will love this book!"e;--Budget Earth"e;Just the humor parents needs as they deal with the frustrations of a picky eater!"e;--Parenting Healthy, included in Holiday Gift Guide"e;This is a great gift for a parent because its reality in a funny, humorous way that only a child would get."e;--Emilys Frugal Tips/Sew Crazy Life, included in Holiday Gift Guide"e;A super fun book that will have readers laughing out loud. Mansbach's quirky, clever humor is unforgettable and absolutely addicting! While Seriously, You Have to Eat is totally kid appropriate, adults will seriously chuckle too."e;--Word SpelunkingOn the heels of the New York Times best seller You Have to F**king Eat (a sequel to the worldwide mega-best seller Go the F**k to Sleep), now comes the version that is entirely appropriate to read to--and with--children. While the message and humor will be similar to the adult version, there will, of course, be no profanity whatsoever.Step aside Green Eggs and Ham, there's a new, 21st-century book in town that will compel all finicky children to eat!

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