Necessary Lies


Erschienen am 01.08.2000, 1. Auflage 2000
10,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781554885817
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 300 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Winner of the 2000 Amazon.com/Books in Canada First Novel Prize

Necessary Lies tells the story of the discovery of secrets and lies that stitch together empires and individual lives.

What are the lies we tell ourselves and others that get us through our lives? In the summer of 1981 Anna is suddenly offered the opportunity to study English at McGill University in Montreal. She jumps at the chance, leaving behind her job, her husband, and her country Poland. She meets William, a music professor, and falls in love. Back home, martial law is declared. After almost ten years of marriage, William dies suddenly of a heart attack, and Anna is left to pick up the pieces. In the midst of grieving, she discovers more pieces than expected: for the length of their lives together, William carried on a long-distance affair with a woman journalist in Germany.

In search of truth, Anna returns to a dramatically changed Europe, where Communism has fallen, the Berlin Wall has been torn down, and where, once again, history will have to be rewritten. Probing the depths of betrayal and forgiveness, she confronts her own past and the motives that drove her away from Poland; she sees herself through the eyes of her mother, her ex-husband, and most importantly, William's German lover, Ursula.


Eva Stachniak was born in Wroclaw, Poland, and came to Canada in 1981. Her debut novel,Necessary Lies, won the Amazon.com/Books in Canada First Novel Award, and her second novel,Garden of Venus, has been translated into seven languages. Her third novel,The Winter Palace, has been published across the world. Stachniak lives in Toronto.

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