Our Discover America Trek 2017


Erschienen am 08.02.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781543478389
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 34 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


About Our Discover America Trekand where it led us.In the fall of 2017, my husband and I finally left on the adventure we had been planning since the previous October when we purchased the 2000 Fleetwood Discovery RV that was to be our home for six weeks. On our RV house, we went on what was to be a wonderful road trip to over sixteen states, most of which I had not visited before. Since my husband had been a professional driver all his working life and had driven to all forty-eight contiguous states, he was at home in all corners of this country. But it was, for the most part, all new to me.We headed first to Pigeon Forge in Tennessee and journeyed onward through Illinois, Iowa, heading for South Dakota, where many points of interest were planned stops. I thoroughly enjoyed De Smet and exploring Laura Ingalls Wilders Historic Homes there. Of course, Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial were unmissable. The natural beauty to be viewed in this area also includes the wonderful landscapes of the Badlands.Visiting the West would not be complete without visiting Custer and the State Park, where many bison may be seen up close, and the town of Cody, founded by Buffalo Bill. All these leading up to the wildlife jewel we were headed toward, Yellowstone.Yellowstone is magnificentmore than what we were expecting. It was huge, wild, and beautiful. Just try to see as much as possible while there.We returned home via the Grand Tetons route, Colorado Springs, and on down south through part of Route 66 by way of Amarillo, Texas; up by Memphis, Tennessee; to Atlanta, Georgia; and on home to Carolina.What a fabulous trip! Read the book to get more details.

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