Shadow House

eBook - A haunting psychological suspense thriller that will keep you hooked for 2022

Erschienen am 05.04.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
16,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781529375152
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


A HOUSE FULL OF DEADLY SECRETS. A MOTHER WHO'LL RISK EVERYTHING TO BRING THEM TO LIGHT.'This tense and beautifully written thriller gripped me from the first page and didn't let go. Intriguing and eerie, climaxing in an edge-of-the-seat finale that had me furiously turning the pages. A must read!' Sarah Pearse, bestselling author of THE SANATORIUMTHE BONES COME FIRST... When single mother Alex arrives at her new home with her two children, she can finally breathe easy. Pine Ridge, a rural community near the Australian coast, is beautiful, peaceful and most importantly, far away from the trauma she left behind. NEXT, A DOLL... Then unexplained boxes start arriving at the house, and Alex's teenage son begins to retreat into himself more than ever. As rumours and legends swirl through the community, Alex realises that Pine Ridge is guarding long-held secrets of its own. AND THEN THE BLOOD. Something is lurking in the shadows, and Alex and her family are in grave danger. She must protect her children from the darkness at all costs - before it engulfs them whole... A tense and haunting tale of one mother's fight for her family, in a place where no one can hear you scream. Authors love ANNA DOWNES'It's such a rare thing - a claustrophobic, addictive thriller that lets you actually feel for all of the characters involved' Gytha Lodge, bestselling author of She Lies in Wait on The Safe Place'A brilliantly atmospheric novel that keeps you equally gripped and unsettled from page one. Starkly original and with an alarmingly plausible premise, this is destined to be a bestseller' J.P. Pomare, bestselling author of In the Clearing on The Safe Place'A dark and wonderful debut that lulls you in with beautiful prose and complex, believable characters, then beats you over the head with a killer plot and a thrilling climax' Christian White, author of The Nowhere Child on The Safe Place

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