Accounting for health

eBook - Calculation, paperwork, and medicine, 1500-2000, Social Histories of Medicine

Erschienen am 12.01.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
144,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781526135186
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 416 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Whether in the Swiss countryside or in a doctor's office in Boston, in German, English or French hospitals or within multinational organizations, with early vaccinations or with new pharmaceuticals from Big Pharma today, or in early modern Saxon mining towns or in Prussian military healthcare for at least 500 years, accounting has been an essential part of medical practice with significant moral, social and epistemological implications. Covering the period between 15002000, the book examines in short case studies the importance of calculative practices for medicine in very different contexts. Thus,Accounting for Healthoffers a synopsis of the extent to which accounting not only influenced medical practices over centuries, but shaped modern medicine as a whole.


Axel C. Hüntelmann is Research Fellow in the Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine at the Charité University of Medicine BerlinOliver Falk is Research Fellow in the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Zurich


Introduction Axel C Hüntelmann and Oliver Falk Part I: Keeping the books 1 Accounting, religion, and the economics of medical care in sixteenth-century Germany: Hiob FinzelsRationarium praxeos medicae, 156589 Michael Stolberg 2 Making a living: Accounting and the medical market in and around Geneva, 17601820 Philip Rieder 3 Accounted bodies and counted cases: Elliott Joslins diabetes research, 18981950 Oliver Falk Part II: Household 4 Economies of the hospital, 17901910 Axel C Hüntelmann 5 Contrasting accounting practices in the urban hospitals of England and France, 1890s to 1930s Barry M. Doyle 6 Reforming on paper: Accounting practices in the Leuven Academic Hospitals, 192060 Joris Vandendriessche 7 Asylum accounts in health and in money Theodore M. Porter Part III: Production 8 Charitable accounting: The Royal Jennerian Society and vaccine production Andrea Rusnock 9 The industry of clinical trials and the rise of medico-economic accounting: The case of antidepressants, 197090 Jean-Paul Gaudillière and Volker Hess 10 Accounting for Esther Smucker: The Mennonite Church, the US National Institutes of Health and the trade in healthy bodies, 195070 Laura Stark Part IV: Polity 11 States of healing in early modern Germany: Military healthcare and the management of manpower Sebastian Pranghofer 12 Miners chest: How performative accounting forged the ills of industry J. Andrew Mendelsohn 13 Administrating sickness: Th e workings of an all-female sickness fund, 18981931 Helene Castenbrandt 14 The health of nations: International health accounting in historical perspective, 19252011 Christopher Sirrs Index

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